" The 2 most important days in your life are the day you are born.....................and the day you find out why "

Tuesday 11 December 2012

                               "MY LIFE "

My Life , My Mystry , My Soul............
My Being , My Part...........
My Beat , My Heart...........
My Life  , My Treat and everything though Indeed..........
Is  "YOU" and "YOU" only "YOU"...........
My Life , My Mystry , My Soul...........
My Destiny , My Path......
My Self and Apart........
Is "YOU" and "YOU" only "YOU"..........
My Life , My Mystry , My Soul.......
They say life's a trouble , tension goes on and on and double.....
Things come and stay and go,
In a line and in a row..........
But I tell thou , stop , look and see ,
I enjoy every diaster , how horrible may be ........
A thunder , a storm as huge as it could be........
No matters , how long may thnings goes scatters..........
I'll close my eyes and hold your hand , where ever you go......
You'll be my destiny , beyond every trouble ,
we'll just go on and on and on............
My Life , My Mystery , My Soul.......
My Being , My Part .......
My Being , My Heart.........
                                                                                     A POEM
                                                                                      By "ME"

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