" The 2 most important days in your life are the day you are born.....................and the day you find out why "

Thursday 13 December 2012



No dream too high , to fly , to touch the sky...........
But the will to get that one , should be...........
Stand , with the determin soul , burn & burn midnight oil..............
Nor make your vision too far and never ever make your eyes too dry..............
No dream too high , to fly , to touch the sky...........

Have fire and feel it in your heart..........
Keep working as hard as you can from your part........
That day will come , just keep the faith ,
The faith in you & continue to beautify your art.....
No dream too high , to fly , to touch the sky.........

Difficulties will come and make you feel dizzy.....
People will laugh & make you feel uneasy..........
But listen 'O' brave person you'll never ever stop your try...............
Coz , one day you'll be at the top ,
top of all , above all and......
There will be no dream too high , to fly  , to touch the sky............

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