" The 2 most important days in your life are the day you are born.....................and the day you find out why "

Wednesday 23 January 2013


    BE POSITIVE................................. TRY FOR ONCE......

hello friends , you some time or the other come under the situation where there is impossible to hold your patience , but you should try and keep yourself calm and quite and then see the difference between you and the are you ready  ...????

Wednesday 26 December 2012



Food is something for me , something for you.......
and something else for some others........
Just for food we work hard , day in and day out.....
and it takes really hard , to get it on hand.......
and then into the mouth.........................
Food is something for me , something for you......

Some live to eat and some eat to live................
those who live to eat are like you and me..............
but those who eat to live are those whom you meet......
at every corners of the street or under shadow of the tree................
Food is something for me , something for you......

For us eating is a normal thing.................
but for them , they become normal only after eating.............
We live a luxuary life and waste food..............
They eat that wasted food and feel luxuary in their life.....................
Food is something for me , something for you...........

We all are doing work as hard as we can.............
Just to fill our stomach.........
and those who are doing nothing are also somehow getting  food to fill their stomach.........
so what's the difference ......????

The difference is that they eat to live and.........
we live to eat.......!!!!!

Book Lover

                     Book Lover..............


I am a book lover......................
New book , old ones or anything..............
I am a lover of books , books and books....

Not a creeper nor an insect.................
Not even a worm of books.................
I am a lover , a book lover............

Love books , books of plays and of poems............
of art and of dramas and even.............
a friction , a funny one.............
I am a lover , a book lover............

Want to read them all , all at once.............
spend my time with them and only.............
each and every, small or bit.....................
In a language , any it could be.................
I am a lover , a book lover.................

Want to eat them all , all of them................
all of them of the world.............
from evry corner and bit..............
want to surrounded by them............
I am a lover , a book lover.................
A mad one.............



                              In A Search.............................

Where have you gone , my eyes are watching and searching for you always........
Fault was of yours and not mine , coz you made me realize how special i was............

But now as i am addicted to you and not getting any clue of you......................
In your absence....................
I am nothing , nothing in my persona...............

These dry winter winds made me remind of you..............
when you were with me..........................

Please come back , atlest for once...............
and I promise you won't go back after then ............................
where have you gone , my eyes are watching and searching for you always......................

Thursday 13 December 2012



No dream too high , to fly , to touch the sky...........
But the will to get that one , should be...........
Stand , with the determin soul , burn & burn midnight oil..............
Nor make your vision too far and never ever make your eyes too dry..............
No dream too high , to fly , to touch the sky...........

Have fire and feel it in your heart..........
Keep working as hard as you can from your part........
That day will come , just keep the faith ,
The faith in you & continue to beautify your art.....
No dream too high , to fly , to touch the sky.........

Difficulties will come and make you feel dizzy.....
People will laugh & make you feel uneasy..........
But listen 'O' brave person you'll never ever stop your try...............
Coz , one day you'll be at the top ,
top of all , above all and......
There will be no dream too high , to fly  , to touch the sky............